Q. When is the race?
A. 16th October 2022 at 09:45 am starting from The Spa in Scarborough - YO11 2HD
Q. How do I enter the event?
A. The race is using TheEntryPoint as its registration system and you can find the 10K here and the FUN RUN there.
The Charity Entry event is for specific charities that have approached the race for their runners. Please use the McCain Yorkshire Coast 10K for general entries.
Q. What facilities are provided?
Q. Can I wear headphones?
A. Not recommended but as long as you can hear instructons from marshals and as this is a traffic free course - yes.
Q. What are there any race goodies?
A. Race medal to all 10K, 5K and Fun Run entrants. Tree planted for every runner.
Q. Is there any water on the course?
A. We would encourage runners to take their own water on the course but we will provide a water station between 4km and 5km for the 10K runners. Please use the water drop bins for any rubbish.
Q. Which wave do I start in?
A. The first 3 M+F positions are awarded based on 'gun time - first across the line' - so faster runners should start in wave 1.
All other awards are based on chip time.
Wave 2 and 3 will have signs for appropriate finishing times.
Anyone with a predicted finishing time over 85mins will be invited to start at the rear of Wave 1.
Q. How do I get my race number?
A. 10K race numbers will be posted about 10 days before the event. 5K and Fun Run and collect on the day.
Any addresses that are not legal will not be posted and you will collect race number on the day from the Ocean Room. I will email those for on the day collection directly.
Fun Run numbers are collection on the day from Sun Court.
Q. Can I leave a bag?
A. Yes - for the 10K bag drop initially opens 0830 and closes 0930. It will be based in the Sun Court area as last year. PLEASE label you bag with the baggage label we will send with the race number. Use LARGE numbers to make it easier for our volunteers to get your bag back for you.
We will man the baggage drop area throughout the race but we will not accept responsibility for any loss. Use your race number to retrieve you bag after the race.